Blogger WordPress Better

Blogger Vs WordPress-Which One Is Better?

For every newbie in the field of blogging the main problem comes into light about the selection of the platform by which they can handle their blog.

Everyone knows that in today’s era whenever people try to seek for any valuable information, they get confused because of many options available. Similarly, there are many platforms available in the blogging world. Mainly we hear about Blogger and WordPress.

These are the two blogging platforms used frequently in this new era of blogging.  Both are the competitors of each other. Here i am going to provide you the perfect idea of these two blogging platforms. The advantages and disadvantages of both the platforms will have brought into the light.

Blogger (Free Blogging Platform)

Blogger is the free blogging platform managed by Google. Basically, there are two platforms Blogger and Blogspot which are originally same.

Before saying anything else I want to clear out one most dramatic stuff in which many people get confused, the question whether Blogger and Blogspot are same or different. There is nothing to get confused about, if you have noticed that sometimes you open or the site comes in front of you is same.

This states that both are same. The difference is just that Blogspot is the free domain(subdomain) provider and Blogger is the free publishing platform provider. Blogger provides a free platform to your blog. You just have to sign up and you can start writing posts. Some people exclaimed that if people use Blogger for their blog then the blog is not considered as a blog, it is a post and they can publish many posts in one blog. Now let’s come to Blogger’s advantages and disadvantages.

Some people exclaimed that if people use Blogger for their blog then the blog is not considered as a blog, it is a post and they can publish many posts in one blog. Now let’s come to Blogger’s advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages Of Blogger :

  • Free And Easy:- The most attractive thing about this platform is that you don’t need to spend even a single coin to use it. It is free of cost and easy to handle. You don’t need any technical approach for using this platform. You don’t need to buy any hosting and domain name. You can get it from and respectively.
  • Security:- The users don’t need to panic about the security of the blog as Google is responsible for it.
  • Better Hosting:- As due to ownership of Google your blog will be placed on their server and you will rarely face the problem of slow speed for your blog.
  • Fast Indexing:- As Google dominates over the web so your blog will be indexing faster as compared to your own hosted blog.
  • Simple to Start:- It’s the best platform for the newbies to start with. It is very simple to start with this platform, you don’t need any specific knowledge about it. Once to get started, you can learn it without any help.
  • Google’s Benefits:- As it is owned by Google so it is provided with many particular features which help newbies to build their career in a very fluent way.


  • Limited Plugins:- There are many beneficial plugins which you can’t use on this platform.
  • Unprofessional Design:- You will be provided with a simple design of templates. There are many premium themes available but people who use Blogger platform will always remain apart from them.
  • No Full Ownership:- If you remember that It is owned by Google so you are not the owner of your blog. Google will handle your blog according to their terms and conditions.
  • Limited Size:- Blogger doesn’t provide you unlimited size for your blog. There is some limit in which you have to remain suppressed.
  • Auto-Deletion Of The Blog:- If you have done a mistake which is against Google’s terms then your blog may be removed by Google.

WordPress (Self Hosted Platform)

As I have explained about WordPress previously, it is the blogging platform by which you can handle your blog properly. WordPress is the world’s most used platform in the field of blogging.

Basically, there are two versions of WordPress. One is free – another one for which you have to pay is Newbies are recommended to use if you have a professional approach. There are many advantages and disadvantages of WordPress which I am going to explain.


  • Easy to Handle:- It is so easy to use WordPress. You can learn it to manage with in few days. There are not so technical skills needed to work on this platform.
  • Quick Installation:- There are many hosting which provides single click installation facility of WordPress. It is helpful for newbies, they can learn it within few seconds.
  • Better Design:- There are many themes present which you can choose according to your blog. There are many premium themes too for which you have to pay. You can decorate your blog according to your wish.
  • Plugins In Bulk:- There are thousands of plugins present which help you to customize your blog. There provide many facilities like Akismet is the plugin which helps the blogger to save from spam comments. There are many other plugins which provide specific facilities which are helpful to maintain your blog.
  • Professional Look:-  WordPress has a more professional look as compared to Blogger.
  • Full Control:- You have full control over your blog as Google doesn’t own WordPress. You can customize your blog in your own way. You can change your hosting anytime you want. There are some particular hosts which provide daily backup of your blog.
  • Various SEO Options:- There are various plugins present by which you can do better Search Engine Optimization. You can optimize your WordPress blog more efficiently.


  • Technical Knowledge Required:- You need to have technical knowledge if you want to do any modification. Knowledge of PHP language is necessary for WordPress for any kind of modification. For any modification related to graphics, you should have knowledge of CSS and HTML.
  • WordPress And Plugins Update Problem:- There are many plugins which are not updated so early as WordPress do. Many plugins may not work properly when WordPress is updated.
  • Security Issues:- Being a famous platform if faces many security issues due to the leakage of vulnerable HTML codes.
  • Problem In Bulk Handling:- Some people say that it has the problem in handling more webpages and database.
  • Similar Themes:- There are many themes which have the same appearance which can sometimes irritate the user.


As you have studied about both the blogging platform. Blogger is a good free platform but it is recommended to go for WordPress if you choose, blogging as your career. I have told you about its professional approach. Now its up to you what kind of platform you want to figure out.

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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